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Since our founding in 1954, we have been taking on the challenge of making springs.
Starting with the production of springs for cameras, we have moved on to electronic devices, stationery, automotive parts, medical equipment, and semiconductors. We have continued to make precision springs in various places and for various markets, adapting to the changing times and needs. The times will continue to evolve at a dizzying pace.
As we move towards a future that is diverse and changing at an incredible pace, we will continue to create customer satisfaction based on our four core Mikuro-values.
When springs are repeatedly compressed, their resilience decreases and they become weak. This is called “spring set”.
We will continue to create the world's best springs that will captivate our customers, using the latest technology and creativity, without being set by the various difficulties that repeatedly arise with the changing times.

Mikuro Spring Co., Ltd. President

Takuya Kojima


We will become a company that captivates everyone involved.

For the sake of the world, others, and ourselves


Mikuro's dreams and wishes

Resilient through every challenge,
captivating customers globally with the world’s premier springs.

Four MIKURO Values

MIKURO SPRING aims to be a global company that continues to take on the challenge of manufacturing micro springs, with the four MIKURO values as its greatest strength, and with the improvement of customer satisfaction as its top priority.


Production capacity

We have the world's most advanced fine wire processing equipment, and therefore we can reliably meet customer requirements in both quantity and quality.


Ability to meet various customer needs

With in-house development of equipment, high technical capabilities, and flexible and speedy responses, we can meet any needs and provide creative design and


Ability to solve issues

With our in-house analysis equipment and high spring analysis capabilities, we can identify risks and, in the event of a problem, clarify the cause and take action in the shortest possible time.


Ability to work globally

We can work with customers from Japan and around the world, utilizing our network and collaboration of overseas factories.

7 principles of Mikuro crew

  • 1 The top management and all employees work together to improve customer satisfaction and the development of our business partners.

  • 2 We believe that showing the manufacturing site is the best sales approach, and we create a pleasant space and atmosphere by practicing heartfelt greetings and the 6S.

  • 3 With a focus on Mikuro values, we think and act proactively, taking responsibility for our own decisions and actions.

  • 4 The entire company shares the same vision and aims to become the world's top spring manufacturer (with the highest customer satisfaction rate and the largest market share in the world) while having fun and being excited.

  • 5 We consider our four Mikuro values to be our greatest strengths, and we will continue to take on challenges to brush-up these strengths.

  • 6 We aim to create an environment where everyone can enjoy taking on challenges while making the most of their individual qualities, and we will create an environment that motivates everyone.

  • 7 We will achieve the five principles of manufacturing at a high level with flexibility and creativity.

    We can switch quickly without losing efficiency
    We can work as planned
    Abnormalities and normality are visualized, so action can be taken immediately
    Things are always flowing, so there is no stagnation
    Everyone knows what they should do and can participate