Basic Environmental Policy

1. We will promote environmental preservation activities through the establishment and continuous operation of an environmental management system.


2. To prevent environmental pollution, we will comply with environmental laws and regulations, meet customer requirements, and establish and operate a management system for chemical substances contained in products.


3. To reduce the environmental impact of our production activities, we aim for clean, well-organized factories that are free of waste.

ISO 14001 Certified

International standard for environmental management systems
We are certified with ISO14001 at our head office and all of our overseas group companies.
We are building a system to comply with environmental laws and regulations and to respond to changing business environment.

Reduction of environmental burden

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We have established and are operating a legal compliance system that identifies legal requirements applicable to the environmental aspects of our business activities and products, and clarifies the methods of applying those requirements and procedures to evaluate compliance.

Environmentally Hazardous Substance Management System

We conduct chemical substance risk assessments and provide environmentally friendly products to the market.
With the understanding and cooperation of our suppliers, we have established and are promoting a management system for environmentally hazardous substances (substances that may have a harmful impact on human health and ecosystems).

Implementation of Conflict Minerals Surveys

Responsible Mineral Procurement
We conduct surveys to confirm that 3TG minerals (tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold) were not refined in conflict-affected areas, and provide information to our customers.
We will work together to procure minerals responsibly with the understanding and cooperation of our suppliers.